Mega Volume and Volume Lash Extension Specialist Free shipping on orders $100+
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If you haven‘t had eyelash extensions before, you may not know that strong adhesives are used. If you have a severe allergy to adhesive (tape), we may need to do a patch test prior to performing a full set of extensions. Other contraindications include the use of (within 2 weeks) Rentin-A products, deep exfoliation, eye surgery (even LASIK!), cosmetic injectables, skin treatments, microneedling , or some conditions that cause loss of hair. Please inform me in a message about any of these contraindications you have prior to your appointment.
Please read the Allergy Vs. Irritation blog for more information.
Contact lenses must be removed prior to your eyelash extensions appointment. Having these in can cause hypersensitivity during your service! Your eyes may become uncomfortable after lying with your eyes shut for a long period of time. This also causes your eyes to become more watery, which can extend the time of your appointment. Rare and severe problems can occur too- such as the contact lens becoming adhered to your cornea if contacted with the glue. Please bring your contact lens case and solution to your appointment.
Allergies, watery eyes, sensitive eyes, conjunctivitis, rosacea, eczema, blepharitis (or history of), autoimmune conditions and bacterial/viral infections must be communicated prior to your appointment in a private message. This ensures safety for yourself, myself and other clients.
Good quality eyelash extensions require time and precision. If the extensions are attached to more than one natural lash (clustered together) they can cause breakage, since every lash has a separate growth cycle. Breakage can also occur if the weight and/or length of the extensions exceed what the natural lash can handle. If you do have breakage, a great solution is a lash serum. This can help your lashes grow faster and stronger. When lashes are correctly applied, they cause no damage to your natural lashes.
Please follow up for a fill after 2 weeks. The reason for this time period includes our natural lash cycle, which causes our lashes to shed every 30 days. Naturally, we lose roughly 5-7 lashes per day (imagine how much we’ve lost after 14!) Plus, your fill will be nice and quick so it’s much more comfortable and easily maintainable with this time period. As the weeks go by, you‘ll end up having much more lash shedding and much less retention of your extensions. These 2 week appointments will only take 30 minutes, instead of 1+ hour. This saves you time and keeps your lashes luscious and full 100% of your days!
This depends on your eye shape and lashes. Generally speaking; a cat eye shape makes your eyes look wider (think of an almond) and a natural set will enhance your eyes to help them look slightly larger. A dramatic, long set will make them look more noticeable. Don’t be afraid to try something new- you might just love it!
Try to avoid getting them wet for 24-48 hours. This includes sweat, tears, showering, swimming and much more (as best as possible). After the 24 hour period, you should gently wash them 3–5 times a week. This helps avoid possible build up and blepharitis (please research this word- it’s one we like to steer clear of!). Avoid anything oil-based as it will break down the adhesive (mascara, makeup remover containing oil, etc). Also, try to avoid heat as most lashes are synthetic and will lose curl or even become singed (burned and crinkly) when exposed to excessive heat (opening a hot oven). Try to avoid sleeping on your face or in positions that press against your lashes. This will help them stay in their designated place for a longer period of time.
Yes, you can wear regular eye makeup like eyeshadow and foundation. However, be cautious of eyeliner getting on the base of your lashes which could affect the glue bond. Please do not put mascara on your extensions as this will shorten the life of your set. Also, if possible, please take off your mascara prior to your initial appointment as this can take quite a bit of time to remove prior to applying the extensions.
Yes, however, salt water and chlorine will slowly begin to break down the adhesive. The best way to avoid this is to wash your lashes directly after swimming- preferably with a lash cleanser, or just rinse them off with clean water.
Wash them thoroughly. While wet, gently brush through them (tip: use your blow dryer on the cold setting to dry them while you continue to brush them upwards and in the correct direction).
A lash cleanser will be the most effective and gentle way to thoroughly cleanse the lashes without destroying the glue bond. The best way to clean them is to use your mascara wand you received from your appointment and gently brush it through at the base of your lashes. Rinse throughly, then dab dry with a paper towel. Paper towels have fewer fibers so they likely won’t pull them out. Any oil-free cleanser will work for this process.
The best tip is to stop touching them. The oils in your fingers can break down the adhesive and you could be tugging (which can break the glue bond as well). The less you mess with them, the better off you’ll be. Next, follow the proper aftercare instructions. Avoid sleeping on them if possible! Additionally, we could always consider going a length shorter to increase retention.